Information About

Depression or Sadness

Life presents challenges at all levels and so hardly can anyone can say they have a stress-free life. Since life is 10% challenges and 90% of how we manage them it makes sense to devise effective coping strategies. There are some of us however who are overwhelmed with home, work and other stressors of life that make us want to withdraw from the race of life. There is a lack of concentration, making simple mistakes, feelings of hopelessness, loss of desire for the things that you had an interest in, withdrawal from friends and family members, persistently feeling low and sad, sleep and eating problems, and thoughts about suicide.

It is always okay to have mental issues. But what is not okay is not dealing with it, not facing it, or not treating it. It is never too late to ask for help. Have you ever wondered why everyone is writing about depression, talking about it, or googling it? The reason is it’s as real as any other physical problems like asthma, diarrhea, anemia, cancer, etc. Every day people are facing it. But unfortunately, most of them do not know how to deal with it, where to go for help. Read more